Minutes of meeting 14 Jan 2002
Meeting opened 1.10pm
Present: Raphael Goldberg, Peter Howarth, Daniel Justice, Michelle Osmond, Zhu Tan, Aleksandar Trifunovic
Work done over holiday:
- Everyone has read through the recommended chapters of the Petri Nets book.
- Most have seen Renew;
Daniel has looked at it in most detail.
- Alexander has read mw400's report (subnets), Michelle has read njd200's (PNML/SAX, reflection).
- Michelle has looked at PNML, and how to use XML with JAVA - JDOM looks promising.
Elements which we want to include or investigate
- An invariant analysis module (write this) - look up references, algorithms.
- Markov chain analyser - either write, or use existing one
by wjk (see DaNAMiCS
and Medusa (njd200), which both use
- Coverability trees - see how Renew does it, look at maths/algorithms further.
- Subnets - see how they were implemented in mw400's project, & other ways to do it?
- PNML, JDOM - a candidate for the main data structure in
our program - ie, not necessarily need to build up our own
petri net object model.
- Reflection - see njd200 and mw400
- Feedback from analysis to display, eg deadlock
tracking. Perhaps expand the module interface from that in
previous projects (and write our own analysis components
as pluggable modules).
To investigate by next meeting:
- Raphael: Markov chain analyser
- Aleksandar: Invariance analysis
- Michelle: Subnets, PNML (+graphics)
- Peter: Reflection (+XML)
- Daniel: JDOM, XML, PNML
- Zhu: Subnets
Next meeting:This Friday (18th), 1pm in the common
room. Aleksandar will contact wjk about a meeting.
Useful links
Meeting closed 1.55pm