Minutes of meeting 15 Mar 2002
Meeting opened 12:30 pm
Present: Daniel Justice, Michelle Osmond, Raphael Goldberg, Zhu Tan, Peter Howarth, Aleksandar Trifunovic
To do
- Prompt to save changes on closing windows - (Dan)
- Subnets:
- Opening subnets is complicated - give user instructions
- Flattening : be able to deal with modules in external
files (Tan)
- Be able to open up nets which have subnets in external
files (Peter)
- Opening nets/subnets - make reference links appear
- Linking of subnet elements (Dan)
- Animation of subnets (Michelle)
- Make normal transitions (ptNet) black (Michelle)
- Help in program - use html, from Dan's user guide (Dan)
- Name: decided on EXtensible Petri net Tool (EXPT) - fix
current references (Michelle)
- Animation feedback from module - make it use the right path (Michelle)
- Modules: package up the helper classes in subdirectory, so the
user knows which class to open. (Alex)
- Rename rafi.class (Rafi)
- Delete option - link the delete key to the ctrl-v cut
function (Dan)
- Directory organisation, jar, bat file etc (Tan) so that others
can make code work (Dan, Michelle, Peter)
Final Report
Alex will collate and format the contributions, with help from Rafi.
Main report:
- Intro, Specifications - done (Alex put
- What we set out to achieve:
- GUI functionality advantages/disadvantages
- Dan
- PNML, JDOM - done (Michelle)
- Modular Extensibility (intro) - Tan
- Extensions - support for multiple net types intro
- Michelle
Dnamaca module intro - Tan
- How we did it
- Program intro - mostly done (Michelle), needs a few
additions from Peter/Dan/Rafi/Alex
- GUI - Dan
- Display - Michelle
- Subnets - Peter
- Animation - Michelle
- Module interface - Tan
- Graph Theory Module - Rafi
- Invariant Analysis - done (Alex)
- Extensions
- Extensibility (net types) - Michelle
- Dnamaca module interface - Tan
- Evaluation of tool
- Testing of functionality - Alex
- Comparison with other tools - Alex
- Extensions, improvements - Alex, Michelle,
anyone else
- Users Guide - done (Dan)
- How to write a module - Tan
- Adding support for a new net type - Michelle
- Minutes of meetings - done (Michelle)
- Logbook of work - done (Michelle)
Next meeting: Sunday
(17th Mar) - final fixing and putting together reports